A Fasting Gaze

Air is heavy; it stands still, thick
Under midnight blue half-moon lace
Stars sparkle and shimmer in their place
Silence abounds until our ears begin to ache
Understanding what makes the heart ache
Their remembrance drives on our souls
Lonely for dear ones lost from love's sake
Shadows stir our sorrow's endless toll
Mardi Gras residue Ash Wednesday
Forty days begin to renew us
Solace lingers with us through our day
Fortitude gives us stamina truss
Morning sun shines mellow rays of light
Obligations seen in a new light!
The Advent season began for me in a wave of confusion. What to give up for forty days and how will it make me a better person? This is the time we are to use fasting to fortify our faith. Our minds have a dependent addiction to the gratification of taste. We relish in the satisfaction of abating hunger is under our control. Forty days we willing relinquish our control of whimsical desires to eat and drink at will. There are times we can choose from a table overflowing with palatable delicacies and others we scrape up scraps to put on the table. Either way, fasting takes time and patience to fortify the mind and soul together in one meal.
The random reading Zechariah 8:16-10:12 begins with the clear statement of what we should do: Execute truth through peace and keep away from hateful thoughts. Zechariah then declares what he heard from God: Fast with cheerful feasts of joy and gladness because Love is truth and peace!
Zechariah goes on to tell us all what will come to pass. A widespread pilgrimage of Nations will become a purified remnant for God. These will witness the Messiah’s deliverance by the covenant of blood out of the pit without water. During the latter time of rain; trumpets will blow, bright clouds will shower mercy and redemption “upon every one grass in the field”. An evangelization will increase the people gathering the strength of the Lord. Their resounding joyful praise will be heard by the whole world.