God's Perpetual Calendar March 25th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 25th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 963 BC Prophetess Abigail Departed Anniversary Lady Day, Feast of the Annunciation [formerly New Year’s Day] 1750 English Tax Quarter Day 1858 Mary Apparition claims, “I
God's Perpetual Calendar March 24th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 24th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1475 Saint Simon of Trent child abduction murder Martyred by Malice Anniversary 1312 BC Moses praises God in the first tabernacle 1912 Kansas City Blizzard Disaster 1975
God's Perpetual Calendar March 23rd H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 23rd Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1606 Saint Turibius of Mongrovejo Departed Anniversary 1839 Ava 8.3 Earthquake Disaster 1913 Tornado Outbreak Disaster Annual Expectations 2024 Lazarus Saturday 2024 Purim Begins and Ester
God's Perpetual Calendar March 22nd H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 22nd Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1535 Saint Thomas More Martyred Anniversary 1313 BC God commanded Jews as a Nation 1893 Oklahoma City Tornado Disaster 1920 Northern Lights Phenomena in the Gulf 1987
God's Perpetual Calendar March 21st H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 21st Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1487 Saint Nicholas of Flüe Departed Anniversary 1801 Jefferson Flood Disaster 1876 Montreal Blizzard Disaster 1932 Deep South Tornado Outbreak Disaster Annual Expectations 2027 Palm Sunday Spring
God's Perpetual Calendar March 20th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 20th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 687 Saint Cuthbert of Lindisfarne Departed Anniversary 1861 Mendoza 7.2 Earthquake Disaster 1948 Tinker F3 Tornado Disaster 2010 Mount Eyjafjallajökull Disaster 2015 Supermoon Solar Eclipse Equinox
God's Perpetual Calendar March 19th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 19th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 29 Saint Joseph, Holy Family Protector Anniversary Festa Del Papa, Dia Do Pai, Dia Del Padre [Father's Day], Saint Joseph’s Day 1948 Fosterburg F4
God's Perpetual Calendar March 18th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 18th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 386 Saint Cyril of Jerusalem Departed Anniversary 1068 Levant Earthquake Disaster 1925 Tri-State Tornado Disaster 1944 Mount Vesuvius Disaster 1953 Yenice–Gönen 7.5 Earthquake Disaster Annual
God's Perpetual Calendar March 17th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 17th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 461 Apostle Patrick of Ireland Departed Anniversary 1726 Saint Patrick’s Day began 1892 Snake River Freeze Disaster 1906 Taiwan 7.1 Earthquake Disaster 1990 Alabama Flood
God's Perpetual Calendar March 16th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 16th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1649 Saint Jean de Brébeuf Martyred Anniversary 1312 BC Moses Seven Days of Training Begin 1885 Pointe-des-Monts Blizzard Disaster 1942 Peoria F3 Tornado Outbreak Disaster 2022 Fukushima
God's Perpetual Calendar March 15th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 15th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 176 Saint Centurion Longinus Departed Anniversary 44 BC Ides of March 1938 McPaul F4 Tornado Outbreak Disaster 1941 Midwest Blizzard Disaster 2010 Midwest Flood Disaster Annual Expectations
God's Perpetual Calendar March 14th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 14th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 968 Saint Matilda of Ringelheim Departed Anniversary 1933 Nashville Tornado Outbreak Disaster 1935 Colorado Dust Storm Disaster 2008 Atlanta F2 Tornado Disaster 2019 Cyclone Idai Disaster Annual
God's Perpetual Calendar March 13th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 13th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 857 Saint Roderick Martyred Anniversary 1953 Haskell F4 Tornado Disaster 1989 Solar Storm Phenomena Disaster 1990 Northwest Tornado Outbreak Disaster 1992 Erzincan 6.7 Earthquake Disaster Annual
God's Perpetual Calendar March 12th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 12th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 303 Saint Gorgonius of Nicomedia Martyred Anniversary 1928 Saint Frances Dam Disaster 1976 US Midwest Tornado Outbreak Disaster 1993 East Coast Tornado Outbreak Disaster Annual Expectations 2023,
God's Perpetual Calendar March 11th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 11th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 859 Saint Father Eulogius Martyred Anniversary 1864 The Great Sheffield Flood 1888 The Great White Hurricane Disaster 2010 Pichilemu 7.0 Earthquake Disaster 2011 Sendai 9.0
God's Perpetual Calendar March 10th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 10th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1913 Harriet Tubman Departed Anniversary 1933 Long Beach 6.4 Earthquake Disaster 1986 Indiana F3 Tornado Outbreak Disaster 2009 South Dakota Blizzard Disaster Annual Expectations 2024, 2030,
God's Perpetual Calendar March 9th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 9th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1440 Saint Frances of Rome Departed Anniversary 1891 England and Wales Blizzard Disaster 1957 Aleutian 8.6 Earthquake Disaster 2013 Oahu Supercell Disaster Annual Expectations 2023 Fast
God's Perpetual Calendar March 8th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 8th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1550 Saint John of God Departed Anniversary 1909 Brinkley F4 Tornado Disaster 1972 Greenland Wind Phenomena 2000 Milwaukee F1 Tornado Disaster 2013 South Dakota Freeze Disaster 2018
God's Perpetual Calendar March 7th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 7th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 203 Saints Perpetua and Felicity, Revocatus, Saturninus, and Secundulus Martyred Anniversary 1970 Eclipse phenomena 1997 Ohio River Flood Disaster Annual Expectations 2023 Purim Ends at Sunset 2027
God's Perpetual Calendar March 6th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 6th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1447 Saint Colette of Corbie Departed Anniversary 1908 San Juan Cat 2 Storm Disaster 1962 Ash Wednesday Storm Disaster 2000 Brandon Grass Fire Disaster 2014 Great Lakes
God's Perpetual Calendar March 5th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 5th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 303 Saint Irais Martyred Anniversary 2012 Storm Irina Disaster Annual Expectations 2025 Ash Wednesday 2028 First Sunday of Lent 2030, 2041, 2052 Holy Face Reparation Tuesday: Shrove,
God's Perpetual Calendar March 4th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 4th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1941 Marie-Julie Jahenny Departed Anniversary 1977 Vrancea 7.5 Earthquake Disaster Annual Expectations 2034, 2045 Ember Saturday 2025 Holy Face Reparation Tuesday: Shrove, Mardi Gras, Fat, Pancake
God's Perpetual Calendar March 3rd H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 3rd Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1955 Saint Katharine Drexel Departed Anniversary 1985 Santiago 8.3 Earthquake Disaster Annual Expectations 2024 Third Sunday of Lent 2034, 2045 Ember Friday 2049, 2055 Ash Wednesday
God's Perpetual Calendar March 2nd H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 2nd Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1124 Blessed Charles the Good Martyred Anniversary 1966 Severe Dakota Blizzard Disaster 2012 Ohio Valley Tornado Outbreak Disaster Annual Expectations 2033, 2044 Ash Wednesday 2025 Quinquagesima Sunday
God's Perpetual Calendar March 1st H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 1st Presence nearer to God. Memorial 601 Saint David of Wales Departed Anniversary Wales Flag Day [Saint David’s Day] 1910 Wellington Avalanche Disaster 1983 Los Angeles F2 Tornados Disaster 2007 Enterprise Tornado