God's Perpetual Calendar August 8th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card August 8th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1665 BC Matriarch Leah, Jacob's first wife Departed [Genesis 29:17] Anniversary 1874 Denver Locust Plaque Disaster 1993 Guam 7.8 Earthquake Disaster 2007 Staten
God's Perpetual Calendar August 7th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card August 7th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1307 Saint Albert of Trapani Departed Anniversary 1924 Osseo 4F Tornado Disaster 1980 Yucatan Hurricane Allen Disaster 1995 Chilean White Earthquake Disaster 2009 Black Hills Supercell Disaster
God's Perpetual Calendar August 6th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card August 6th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1221 Saint Father Dominic of the Dominican Order Departed Anniversary 1959 Kauai Hurricane Dot Disaster 1969 North Dakota 12 Tornado Outbreak Disaster 1993 Virginia 18 Tornado Outbreak
God's Perpetual Calendar August 5th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card August 5th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 287 Saints Justa and Rufina Martyred Anniversary 70 Second Temple Fire is extinguished 1949 Ecuador Earthquake Disaster 1949 MannGulch Fire Disaster 1987 South Dakota Tornado Outbreak Disaster
God's Perpetual Calendar August 4th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card August 4th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1589 Saint Sithney Departed Anniversary 1783 Mount Asama Disaster 1889 Spokane Fire Disaster 1946 Dominican Republic 8.0 Earthquake Disaster 2000 Selby Hailstone Disaster 2009 Quebec F2
God's Perpetual Calendar August 3rd H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card August 3rd Presence nearer to God. Memorial 67 Saint Lydia of Thyatira Departed Anniversary 1983 Texas Cat 3 Hurricane Alicia Disaster 2009 South Dakota Hailstone Disaster 2014 Yunnan 6.1 Earthquake Disaster Annual Expectations
God's Perpetual Calendar August 2nd H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card August 2nd Presence nearer to God. Memorial 740 Saint Sidwell Martyred Anniversary 1635 The Black Virgin Statue found 1922 Shantou Typhoon Disaster 1960 Marshall County Hailstone Disaster 1968 Casiguran Earthquake Disaster 1985 Texas Supercell
God's Perpetual Calendar August 1st H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card August 1st Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1942 Blessed Father Gerhard Hirschfelder Martyred Anniversary Irish Quarter Day Lughnasadh [Lugh First Fruits] Scottish Old Term Day Lammas [Loaf Mass Day] 1750 English Tax Cross Quarter
God's Perpetual Calendar August H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card August Presence nearer to God. “And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, [Luke 2:21].” "That at the name of Jesus, every knee
God's Perpetual Calendar July 31st H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 31st Presence nearer to God. Memorial 670 BC Prophet Micah Martyred Anniversary 1715 Vero Beach Hurricane Disaster 1966 Ashley F3 Tornado Disaster 1987 Edmonton F4 Tornado Disaster 2008 North Dakota Wind Devil Disaster
God's Perpetual Calendar July 30th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 30th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 987 BC Patriarch Enoch Taken Anniversary 1970 Texas Hurricane Celia Disaster 1979 Fort Collins Hailstone Disaster 1981 Bismarck F3 Tornado Disaster 2010 Rosehill Dam Flood Disaster Annual
God's Perpetual Calendar July 29th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 29th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1638 BC Prophet Abraham Departed Anniversary 2003 Frankfort Windstorm Disaster 2004 Greenville Flood Disaster Annual Expectations Eighth day ☧ Christ was named Jesus All; Earth, Heaven, and Hell
God's Perpetual Calendar July 28th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 28th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 400 BC Prophet Azariah of Subatha Departed Anniversary 1976 Tangshan 8.2 Earthquake Disaster 1986 South Dakota Tornado Outbreak Disaster Annual Expectations 2024 Parent's Sunday
God's Perpetual Calendar July 27th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 27th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1203 BC Amram, Moses’ Father Departed Without Sin Anniversary 423 BC First Holy Temple in Jerusalem destroyed by Babylonians 69 Second Holy Temple in Jerusalem destroyed by
God's Perpetual Calendar July 26th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 26th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1945 Blessed Maria Pierina De Micheli Departed Anniversary 1890 Lawrence F3 Tornado Disaster 1931 US Heartland Grasshopper Disaster Annual Expectations 2026 Parent's Sunday Eighth day
God's Perpetual Calendar July 25th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 25th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 42 Saint 1 of 12 Disciples Apostle James of Zebedee Martyred [Acts 12:1-2] Anniversary 2000 Granite Falls F4 Tornado Disaster 2005 Sand Point Tornado Disaster Annual
God's Perpetual Calendar July 24th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 24th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1936 Blessed Mercè Prat i Prat Martyred Anniversary 1930 Montello F5 Tornado Disaster 1993 Hyde County Flood Disaster 1997 Spink County Flood Disaster 2008 New Hampshire F2
God's Perpetual Calendar July 23rd H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 23rd Presence nearer to God. Memorial 800 BC Prophet Elisha of Abelmaul Departed Anniversary 1788 Virginia George Washington’s Hurricane Disaster 1995 Hale-Bopp Comet Phenomena 2012 Solar Storm Phenomena 2018 Attica Wildfire Disaster
God's Perpetual Calendar July 22nd H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 22nd Presence nearer to God. Memorial 68 Saint Apostle Mary Magdalene Departed Anniversary 1342 Saint Mary Magdalene’s Flood Disaster 1988 Lake Okoboji Dust Devil Phenomenon 1993 Levees Great Flood Disaster 2011 Grant
God's Perpetual Calendar July 21st H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 21st Presence nearer to God. Memorial 538 BC Prophet Daniel Departed Anniversary 365 Crete 8.5 Earthquake Disaster 1952 Kern 7.3 Earthquake Disaster 1987 Teton F4 Tornado Disaster Annual Expectations Eighth day
God's Perpetual Calendar July 20th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 20th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 718 BC Prophet Elijah the Tishbite Taken Anniversary 1977 Johnstown Flood Disaster 2005 Mexico Hurricane Emily Disaster Annual Expectations Eighth day ☧ Christ was named Jesus All; Earth,
God's Perpetual Calendar July 19th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 19th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1274 BC Prophet Aaron Departed [Numbers 33:38] Anniversary 1845 New York Fire Disaster 1886 Atlanta Hurricane Disaster 1933 Tulare F2 Tornado Disaster 1985 Val di Stava
God's Perpetual Calendar July 18th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 18th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 1610 Caravaggio Departed Anniversary 64 Rome Fire Disaster 1986 Redfield F3 Tornado Disaster 1996 Saguenay River Flood Disaster Annual Expectations Eighth day ☧ Christ was named Jesus All;
God's Perpetual Calendar July 17th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 17th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 821 Saint Kenelm Martyred Anniversary 1942 Smethport Flood Disaster 1985 Clark County F1 Tornado Disaster 1993 Grant County Flood Disaster 1998 Papua New Guinea 7.0 Earthquake
God's Perpetual Calendar July 16th H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card July 16th Presence nearer to God. Memorial 700 Saint Reineldis Martyred Anniversary 1251 Mary apparition with a Brown Scapular to Simon Stock 1769 Father Junípero Serra opens Mission San Diego de Alcalá 1807 Antonio