Be Of Good Courage And Do!

"Make an end to blemishes
Separate from temptation
Thou has said, so must we do
Be of good courage and do!"
Ezra 10:4 KJV
We all know the effects of drama and stress always leads to confusion. We all get tired of they did this and you did that, to a point where the time frame becomes muddled by our emotions. Anger usually stokes the fire from petty to an embittered relationship. Sometimes families and friendships are divided to a point of no return. All we can do is keep trying to put our best foot forward with hope not to lay blame on another. We need to be honest with ourselves and acknowledge our shortcomings by taking responsibility for our actions in the situation. It is easier than you think to offer an olive branch of peace and be willing to let bygones be bygones.
The by chance reading today is long after Moses and Ezra are God’s appointed leaders. The Jewish people have not kept themselves separated from the unclean practices of the people surrounding Jerusalem. In a downpour of rain Ezra plops himself in a puddle refusing to eat or drink. Someone notices and asks; Ezra begins shouting for all his people to gather within three days. The rain continues and Ezra shouts why they are at God’s mercy. The overabundance of mud and rain is proof of their misgivings causing distress and confusion as the people gather. Ezra gives them God’s pleasure is for them to confess, repent, and keep themselves cloistered from the temptations of the land. With the first confession the rain begins to wane.