Cleanse Me With Myrrh

I awoke, as if it were day
From a sight within stillness stays
In mine eye with no tear or sigh
No wispy feathers will to fly
Peacefully, wounds covered in blood
Certain in love and being loved
Once again I did not listen
I heard a voice and thought not so
I declared it would not rain then
Thunder answers rain did flow
Tis God's voice to save us again
God lovingly stirs us to know
God desires to keep us safe
All witness God protects his sheaf
Please don't be angry with my prayer
Heal my hearing cleanse me with myrrh
Thy flock resounds to Thee above
Please Dear God save Thy Right truelove
I awoke at 1:12 a.m. from an elaborate dream with an intricate plot of death, mayhem, and greed with a bounty of characters eager to be brought to life. I was awakening and saw an unforgettable image. The viewpoint was from the exterior of a simple cage with the trap door wide-open. There appeared to be a Cardinal bird posed on a perch in the center, still and silent.
Easy to see crisscrossed wounds over the eyes, temples, ears, and crown. It was impossible to tell if the wounds were still healing or healed into defined scars. I began to doubt if the bird was a naturally red-feathered Cardinal. I wondered if the eerie wounds drenched the creature in blood caking the feathers into a permanent state of red-hued stillness.
Questions muddle about in my mind:
~ Was it a deliberate act of the bird's keeper to maim with malice?
~Does the wounded bird, possibly blind and deaf inside an open door dwelling represent ourselves inside our homes made from a cage of our obligations?
~Are the conditions of where we live, leave us wounded and scar us?
~Do the circumstances of our lives make us deaf and blind, unable to leave or perceive the situation we live in?
~Are we aware we can walk out at anytime?
~Is it our sense of honor to remain and fulfill our obligations, our oaths?
~Which is the selfish act to remain being still and mute or to leave it all behind and walk out the door?
~Is it faith to hold on fiercely to our love with hope for others around us?
~Do acts of love make us stronger than the difficulties of our conditions or obligations?
~Is it stubborn will determined to finish what was started, even if we lose the battle with hope to win the war?
Psalms 119:112: "I have inclined my heart to do thy commandments for eternity in truth!"
Different search engines derive different words in different versions of the Bible of reoccurring words Jesus said in particular more than any other, it is a toss up between 'ear' and 'hear' or 'eyes' and 'blind'. In search of answers I opened the Catechism of the Catholic Church to paragraphs 1181-1888. I conclude: A human ought to volunteer support in case of need for the common good. God entrusts every creature with divine providence. Humans striving for others to acknowledge remedies to living conditions inducing sin need to have conversations on moral goodness to prevail.
Scripture Readings: Psalms 80:9-81:16, 119:112