Cloak Of Jesus

The Word was Alpha
The Word was with God
The Word was God
Through Him all became
Without Him nothing became
In Him was Life, the Light of men
His Light shines in the darkness
Darkness cannot overcome His Light
The Word Became Flesh
God gave me plants from the earth
God showed me the Breathe of Life
You tapped my shoulder
You stilled my tears with wonder
You covered me with Your Cloak
You thought me rest not sleep
I try to put on the Armor of God
Unfathomable without the Cloak of Jesus
My first, to this day I rule with conceit
I do not abide to the voice of The Lord
I am guilty, ashamed, and weak!
I abandoned your way
I whipped you with my strife
I betrayed your gifts
God numbers my evil ways
God has measured me wanting
God has divided my belongings
I am desolate without Thou
Let this rebel child return to Thy Cloak
Here I am to anew through Omega
I renewed my contemplations on "the Armor of God” … Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Helmet of Salvation, Shield of Faith, and Sword of Spirit … It dawned upon my mind: "The Armor of God is unfathomable without the Cloak of Jesus!"
The first day the phrase "Cloak of Jesus" came into my thoughts, I opened the Bible to Deuteronomy 26:2-27:1 The scripture teaches what is accountable within the Armor of God. We should not forget to give the first fruits to God! Rejoice in every good thing given and the strangers among you. Tithes to the stranger, fatherless, and widow. Don't eat in the morning and harken to the voice of God. This day walk in God's ways as Moses declares unto the people to keep all the commandments.
Having forgotten I had a previous reading, after completing the verses above in my attempt to convey the Cloak of Jesus; I opened the Bible to Jeremiah 3:13-5:1. It begins: "Only admit your guilt" you rebelled against God. We run around and will not listen to the will of God. "Return rebellious Children!" God gave "The Ark of the Covenant" and it will be forgotten. "All Nations" will come to Jerusalem "The Lord's throne" and "no longer stubbornly follow their wicked heart".
Scripture Readings: John 1:1-5; Proverbs 6:4; Jeremiah 46:27; Ephesians 6:13; Daniel 5:24; Psalms 29; Revelations 1:8