March 7th

March 7th

H.G. & Me Magazine presents God's Perpetual Calendar: The Eighth Day Remembrance Card March 7th Presence nearer to God.


   203 Saints Perpetua and Felicity, Revocatus, Saturninus, and Secundulus Martyred 


1970 Eclipse phenomena 

1997 Ohio River Flood Disaster 

Annual Expectations

2023 Purim Ends at Sunset 

2027 Fourth Sunday of Lent 

2031, 2036 Ember Friday 

2057 Ash Wednesday 

Eighth day ☧ Christ was named Jesus

All; Earth, Heaven, and Hell bowed

"Vanquished Satan was disarmed"

Wholesome God strengthen Jesus,

His Holy Face leads to your

Holy Glory, our God who was, who is, who is to come

☧ [Greek: Chi (X) Rho (P) / XPI∑TO∑ /Christos, English: Christ]  The symbol's Origin is from Jesus during an apparition on October 27, 312 BC to Constantine I.   The Eighth Day Remembrance Card poem was written with dedication to convey the little sachet gospel of Sœur Marie de Saint-Pierre.  Marie's visions and conversations with Jesus began on August 26, 1843.  The Fire Gold Holy Face illustrations are artistically altered negative images photographed of the Shroud of Turin Replica on display at Saint John The Baptist Church, Zachary, Louisiana on December 27, 2016 by LaurieAnne artist, author, and photographer.