Secret of Happiness

I ate no pleasant bread, flesh, wine
Three weeks passed until I stood by
The Great River to lift mine eyes
I beheld a man in linen
Gold girth loins and beryl body
Countenance so bright like lightening
Polished brass sheaths his arms and feet
Fire lamps for eyes, then I heard
Words beheld voice of multitudes
I, me, alone saw a vision
Men with me did not see but fled
As great quaking fell upon them
I was left alone and helpless
My comeliness turns to weakness
Yet I heard the voice of his words
I fell face down in a deep sleep
Behold a touch of hand lifts me
Humble on my knees and palms hear
O Daniel, greatly beloved Man
I speak to you and stand upright
For unto ye am I now sent
I stood trembling heard his words
Then he said unto me, fear not
Chasten thyself before thy God
I come to make ye understand
What is to befall thy people
Mine eyes cast down and I was dumb
Similitude of the Sons of Man
Touched my lips and my mouth opened
O my Lord, sight turns my sorrows
No strength, no breath remains in me
The man of beryl came again
A touch strengthened me, in silence
My sight on beryl fire heard
O Daniel beloved, fear not:
Be at peace; be strong; Yea, be strong!
Know wherefore I did come to you
Now I will return to the fight
When I am gone forth woe will come
I will show you Scripture of Truth
Believe you me, none can best me
But your prince Michael Archangel
I, me, alone in silence still
Knowledge surpassed mind, my soul learned
Need only ask to heal your soul
Joyous every moment of life
Each breath wondrous gift of hope
All your beloved hearts with you
Their prayers pass with you through ordeals
The by chance Scripture Reading: Daniel 10:3 - 21 begins with Daniel seeing a vision. An angel comes in response to Daniel’s prayers. Three weeks Daniel mourned, prayed, and fasted over the sorrows of the on going battle with Persia. The Angel confirms he has been fighting since Daniel first spoke from his heart to God in a heartfelt plea for relief. The Angel makes a point to convey he is the best under Prince Michael The Archangel who has relieved him in the fray of battle for him to come show Daniel the Book of Truth. The sole purpose for Daniel to deliver prophesy for the events to come. The writings in the Book of Truth details what everyone does on earth.